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Land Preservation Efforts

EVT Open Space Committee: A Journey Towards Conservation Excellence



Abundant farmlands and unique natural resources are at the heart of East Vincent Township. Our farmlands, rivers, and streams have achieved special National and State Heritage Corridor and Hopewell Big Woods designations. Chester County's Landscapes3 categorizes us as a Rural Resource Protection Area.

Embracing Our Rich Preservation History:

The Township's history of preservation and open space efforts have resulted in nearly 1,500 acres being permanently preserved. Since October, the newly formed EVT Open Space Committee (OSC) has been hard at work, focusing on creating a framework to enable the Township to preserve our natural resources and agricultural heritage, promoting open space initiatives, and enhancing the beauty of our Township through the following efforts and goals for 2024:

  • Working with Chester County Planning Commission to develop a GIS Mapping system of Township Resources.

  • Identifying matching fund opportunities and establishing clear timelines to secure these vital resources.

  • Drafting the East Vincent Township Ranking and Review Process to guide the township in selecting natural resource conservation and farmland preservation projects with precision and purpose.

  • Building strong community relationships is vital. In 2024 the OSC plans to initiate a calendar for outreach to landowners, farmers, equestrians, and agricultural entrepreneurs to exchange ideas and information to garner support for our conservation initiatives.

  • Identifying land preservation opportunities.

  • Collaborating with conservation organizations and our municipal neighbors to review our common preservation property priorities.



The EVT OSC remains dedicated to preserving the natural beauty and resources of our Township. They are just beginning their journey towards conservation excellence to leave a legacy for generations to come.

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