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East Vincent Advocacy raises awareness of township issues, empowering residents to better understand and become involved in their municipal government. We organize to ensure that our rural way of living can continue.

**Tickets for EVA's 2nd Annual barn party are Now on Sale!**

Saturday, September 21, 2024 from 3 - 8 PM



*RSVP by September 14th*



We have a fabulous evening planned to celebrate FOUR years of WINS to Keep EV Rural!

From the beautiful venue of Camp Innabah to delicious food, fantastic live music by the talented Good Chemistry band, and spectacular raffle and silent auction prizes, this is an event not to be missed!

Please join us and spread the word to friends and neighbors. 

Check out our entertainment for the day!

Take a walk down memory lane and experience last year's PARTY! 

New Supervisor & New Leadership Bring Renewed Focus on EVT's Rural heritage

On Tuesday, January 2nd, the township held its Annual Reorganization Meeting. It was a fantastic meeting with many positive signs for the future, leaving the residents in attendance filled with great hope and excitement! 

Mark Brancato was sworn in to his six-year term as our new Township Supervisor. He was nominated and confirmed to serve as Chairman of the Board. Craig Damon will serve as Vice-Chairman. It’s a new chapter for our township. 

Mark and Craig initiated a blockbuster series of great initiatives throughout the meeting. From new consultants to stormwater planning, to addressing Food Processing Residuals (FPRs), to amending our Comprehensive Plan, to opening up the 2024 budget, to hearing about the progress of the Open Space Committee, and addressing the need to negotiate with PA's Department of Transportation to reduce speed limits on Stony Run, Bridge and Ridge Roads. That's what we call hitting the ground running!

Chairman Brancato spoke of the need to create a vision for EV which will serve as a roadmap. More will be shared on this during the February 7th BOS Meeting. Mark your calendars now and join the conversation -  lend your voice, your ideas, and your hopes to shape the future of the Township!


Together, Mark and Craig are setting out to create real, positive change on many critical fronts. The most telling sign of the night came when Mark stated East Vincent is a rural township! The concerns and wishes of EVA have been heard and acknowledged, and initiatives are being set in motion. We are making progress!


Check out our latest email campaign.

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Township Board and Commission Vacancies

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Want to LITERALLY "have a seat at the table"? Now is your chance to have a direct impact on the future of the township. Applications are being accepted to fill vacancies on several committees. The BOS is hoping to fill all vacancies ASAP so APPLY TODAY!

Follow this link to learn more about the current volunteer opportunities and access the Volunteer Application. Applications must be returned to the Township Office or emailed to the Township Manager at

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